Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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Text File
306 lines
* (Dual) Cross Playfield example
* INFO loads three 320x256x8 ILBMs and applies some (cross-)fading
* effects in (Dual) Cross Playfield mode
* NOTE - optionally you can pass as CLI argument the names of the
* 320x256x8 IFF/ILBMs to load (if not one of those supplied in
* TCS/examples/pix/, make sure that yours is exactly 320x256x8
* and that it respects all the restrictions of TCS_LdILBM(),
* otherwise the program won't execute or the graphics will
* look bad - not dangerous, anyway!)
* - press LMB to quickly skip ahead
* - hold LMB down to exit anytime
machine 68020
include INCLUDES:libraries/tcs.i
include INCLUDES:libraries/tcs_lib.i
* definitions
DSPLWD = 320 ;our TCS display width and
DSPLHT = 256 ;height in 140 ns pixels
SCRWD = 320 ;TCS screen width and
SCRHT = 256 ;height in pixels
DSPLX0 = $81*4 ;display start
DSPLY0 = $2c ;position (SHRES pixels)
DSPLX1 = DSPLX0+DSPLWD*4 ;display end
DSPLY1 = DSPLY0+DSPLHT ;position (SHRES pixels)
DSPLBRTNS = 256 ;max brightness
CWRT = 0
CWLF = 0
ARGSNO = 3 ;command line arguments no.
* code start
include /includes/macros.i
include /includes/shl_strtup.i
* init
_PrgInit lea.l DsplDef,a0 ;use same DD structure to
ori.l #TCS_VMf_FPfld,(TCS_DD_VdoMode,a0) ;init another display
CALLTCS InitDspl ;for the front playfield
move.l d0,FPfldDI ;store DI structure address
beq.s .fail ;if error...
* back playfield
movea.l CmdLnArgs,a0 ;ILBM0 filename address
tst.l a0
bne.s .ld0 ;if filename specified...
lea.l Pic0FlNm,a0 ;default ILBM0
.ld0 movea.l ([DIAdr.l],TCS_DI_CSAdr.w),a1 ;directly to back
move.l #SCRWD*SCRHT,d0 ;playfield screen buffer
cmpi.l #TCS_PE_OK,d0 ;success?
blo.s .fail ;if not...
move.b (TCS_II_RGBxMode.w,d0.l),d2 ;get ILBM0's RGBx mode
movea.l d0,a0 ;free all the memory allocated
CALLTCS UnLdILBM ;for the ILBMInfo structure
movea.l DIAdr,a0
move.b d2,d0 ;RGBx mode
move.w #DSPLBRTNS,d1
CALLTCS SetRGBx ;set back playfield palette
* front playfield
movea.l CmdLnArgs+4,a0 ;ILBM1 filename address
tst.l a0
bne.s .ld1 ;if filename specified...
lea.l Pic1FlNm,a0 ;default ILBM1
.ld1 movea.l ([FPfldDI.l],TCS_DI_CSAdr.w),a1 ;directly to front
move.l #SCRWD*SCRHT,d0 ;playfield screen buffer
cmpi.l #TCS_PE_OK,d0 ;success?
blo.s .fail ;if not...
move.b (TCS_II_RGBxMode.w,d0.l),d2 ;get ILBM1's RGBx mode
movea.l d0,a0 ;free all the memory allocated
CALLTCS UnLdILBM ;for the ILBMInfo structure
movea.l FPfldDI,a0
move.b d2,d0 ;RGBx mode
move.w #DSPLBRTNS,d1
CALLTCS SetRGBx ;set front playfield palette
* picture for Dual Cross Playfield
movea.l CmdLnArgs+8,a0 ;ILBM2 filename address
tst.l a0
bne.s .ld2 ;if filename specified...
lea.l Pic2FlNm,a0 ;default ILBM2
.ld2 suba.l a1,a1
cmpi.l #TCS_PE_OK,d0 ;success?
blo.s .fail ;if not...
move.l d0,ILBM2 ;store ILBMInfo structure pointer
* Cross Playfield / exit
movea.l DIAdr,a0 ;back playfield DI
movea.l FPfldDI,a1 ;front playfield DI
CALLTCS EnbXPfld ;enable Cross Playfield
move.w #0,ccr ;OK!
.fail move.w #4,ccr ;signal error
* main
_PrgMain movea.l FPfldDI,a0
CALLTCS ShwDspl ;show front playfield, too
movea.l DIAdr,a0 ;render back playfield
CALLTCS CPUFRPass0 ;to make pixels visible
movea.l FPfldDI,a0 ;render front playfield
CALLTCS CPUFRPass0 ;to make pixels visible
* first cross-fade: the front playfield disappears behind the back playfield
movea.l FPfldDI,a2
move.w #256,d2 ;opacity at beginning (max)
.XFade0 WTRSTLN DSPLY0 ;wait for Copper to write the palette
movea.l a2,a0 ;our display
move.w d2,d0
CALLTCS SetFPfldOpct ;change opacity
btst.b #6,$bfe001 ;exit if LMB
dbeq d2,.XFade0 ;decrease opacity and repeat other 256 times
* second cross-fade: a new picture is written to the front playfield (still
* hidden) and then shown with a cross-fade-in (Dual mode)
movea.l ([ILBM2.l],TCS_II_GfxAdr.w),a0 ;ILBM2 gfx data adr
movea.l (TCS_DI_CSAdr,a2),a1 ;front playfield screen address
move.w #SCRWD*SCRHT/4-1,d0 ;copy ILBM2
.CpyPxl move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ;to front playfield
dbra d0,.CpyPxl ;screen
movea.l a2,a0 ;render front playfield
CALLTCS CPUFRPass0 ;to make pixels visible
movea.l a2,a0 ;our display
moveq.l #15,d0 ;RGBx transparent color
CALLTCS EnbDXPfld ;enable Dual modality
move.w #256,d2 ;counter
.XFade1 WTRSTLN DSPLY0 ;wait for Copper to write the palette
movea.l a2,a0 ;our display
move.w #256,d0 ;calculate new
sub.w d2,d0 ;opacity
CALLTCS SetFPfldOpct ;change opacity
btst.b #6,$bfe001 ;exit if LMB
dbeq d2,.XFade1 ;repeat other 256 times
* first fade: the front playfield is faded out, while the back playfield
* remains visible
move.b (TCS_DI_VdoMode+3,a2),d3 ;get RGBx mode
move.w #256,d2 ;brightness at beginning (max)
.FadeOut0 WTRSTLN DSPLY0 ;wait for Copper to write the palette
movea.l a2,a0 ;our display
move.b d3,d0 ;RGBx mode
move.w d2,d1 ;brightness
CALLTCS SetRGBx ;change palette
btst.b #6,$bfe001 ;exit if LMB
dbeq d2,.FadeOut0 ;decrease brightness and repeat other 256 times
* second fade: the front playfield is faded in, while the back playfield is
* still visible
move.b (TCS_DI_VdoMode+3,a2),d3 ;get RGBx mode
moveq.l #0,d2 ;brightness at beginning (min)
.FadeIn WTRSTLN DSPLY0 ;wait for Copper to write the palette
movea.l a2,a0 ;our display
move.b d3,d0 ;RGBx mode
move.w d2,d1 ;brightness
CALLTCS SetRGBx ;change palette
addq.w #1,d2 ;increase brightness
btst.b #6,$bfe001
beq.s .FadeOut ;if LMB...
cmpi.w #256,d2
bls.s .FadeIn ;repeat other 256 times
* third cross-fade: the front playfield is half-cross-faded-out
movea.l FPfldDI,a2 ;front playfield DI structure pointer
move.w #128,d2 ;counter
.XFade3 WTRSTLN DSPLY0 ;wait for Copper to write the palette
movea.l a2,a0 ;our display
move.w d2,d0 ;calculate
addi.w #128,d0 ;new opacity
CALLTCS SetFPfldOpct ;change opacity
btst.b #6,$bfe001 ;exit if LMB
dbeq d2,.XFade3 ;decrease opacity and repeat other 128 times
* third fade: the back playfield is faded out, while the front playfield
* remains visible
.FadeOut movea.l DIAdr,a2 ;back playfield DI structure pointer
move.b (TCS_DI_VdoMode+3,a2),d3 ;get RGBx mode
move.w #256,d2 ;brightness at beginning (max)
.FadeOut1 WTRSTLN DSPLY0 ;wait for Copper to write the palette
movea.l a2,a0 ;our display
move.b d3,d0 ;RGBx mode
move.w d2,d1 ;brightness
CALLTCS SetRGBx ;change palette
btst.b #6,$bfe001 ;exit if LMB
dbeq d2,.FadeOut1 ;decrease brightness and repeat other 256 times
* fourth cross-fade: the front playfield is half-cross-faded-in
movea.l FPfldDI,a2 ;front playfield DI structure pointer
move.w #128,d2 ;counter
.XFade4 WTRSTLN DSPLY0 ;wait for Copper to write the palette
movea.l a2,a0 ;our display
move.w #256,d0 ;calculate
sub.w d2,d0 ;new opacity
CALLTCS SetFPfldOpct ;change opacity
btst.b #6,$bfe001 ;exit if LMB
dbeq d2,.XFade4 ;decrease opacity and repeat other 128 times
* final fade: the front playfield is faded out, too
movea.l FPfldDI,a2 ;front playfield DI structure pointer
move.b (TCS_DI_VdoMode+3,a2),d3 ;get RGBx mode
move.w #256,d2 ;brightness at beginning (max)
.FadeOut2 WTRSTLN DSPLY0 ;wait for Copper to write the palette
movea.l a2,a0 ;our display
move.b d3,d0 ;RGBx mode
move.w d2,d1 ;brightness
CALLTCS SetRGBx ;change palette
btst.b #6,$bfe001 ;exit if LMB
dbeq d2,.FadeOut2 ;decrease brightness and repeat other 256 times
* end
.exit movea.l FPfldDI,a0 ;hide front playfield,
CALLTCS HideDspl ;otherwise it can't be freed!
* cleanup
_PrgClnUp movea.l ILBM2,a0 ;free all the memory
CALLTCS UnLdILBM ;allocated for ILBM2
movea.l DIAdr,a0
CALLTCS DsbXPfld ;disable Cross Playfield
movea.l FPfldDI,a0 ;free all the memory allocated
CALLTCS FreeDspl ;for the front playfield
* data
include /includes/dat.i
cnop 0,4
FPfldDI dc.l 0 ;front playfield DI structure address
ILBM2 dc.l 0 ;ILMBInfo structure pointer
tmplt dc.b "ILBM0/K,ILBM1/K,ILBM2/K",0 ;template for ReadArgs()
Pic0FlNm dc.b "/pix/TM_rgbm.iff",0 ;default ILBM #0 (back playfield)
Pic1FlNm dc.b "/pix/Alphonse_rgbh.iff",0 ;default ILBM #1 (front playfield)
Pic2FlNm dc.b "/pix/DXP_rgbh.iff",0 ;default ILBM #2 (for Dual Cross Playfield)